I have recorded several hours of Audio and Video clips from the Perpetrators own phones and computers. I was able to do this while they were hacking my cell phones. Many of the clips will need the background enhanced and others noise removed to hear their conversations clearly, but they can be heard, not only in conversations with each other but harassing myself with the MICROWAVE HEARING. Yes it can be recorded using nothing more than a cell phone and good microphone. When listening you must listen to the background, that's where you will hear most of their conversations. The audio is very disturbing because you can clearly hear females and children being assaulted. In one video clip it shows the inside of their home along with faces yet in another a female is heard singing and saying "I'm going to murder my mother" and in another is a very clear conversation about how a local investigator murdered his girlfriend and was placed IN CHARGE of the INVESTIGATION. Hey are still in charge of investigations in Tarrant County Texas as of March 28, 2024 to the best of my knowledge. The perpetrators have tried hacking many of the video sites and disrupting the audio playback, If you encounter problems, please drop me a line with the file number and I will try sending you one directly.
The following videos are also available at
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